As women age, hormone production fluctuates in preparation for menopause, the point at which your reproductive life draws to a close and a new phase begins. Of course, aging is a natural process. However, age-related hormone changes can result in troubling symptoms that leave you feeling perplexed, longing for energy and motivation, and wishing for something to take the edge off.

Menopause occurs when a woman outlives her ovaries’ ability to produce an egg. When this happens — and it is a normal occurrence — a woman loses 90 percent of her estrogen. This loss of estrogen is responsible for many bothersome menopausal symptoms. One of the most common is hot flashes. Hot flashes occur in 75 percent of menopausal women and can range from mild to extreme, negatively affecting a woman’s quality of life. The most effective option for treatment of these symptoms is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

HRT is widely acknowledged as the most effective treatment for perimenopause and menopause symptoms due to its unique ability to target the root cause of uncomfortable symptoms—declining hormone levels. The hormones most commonly used to treat symptoms of menopause are estrogen and progesterone. Often, these 2 hormones are used together, but some women are given estrogen alone. Androgens (male hormones like testosterone) are also sometimes used to treat menopausal symptoms. Eating a healthy diet, practicing good sleep hygiene, getting regular exercise, and implementing effective stress management techniques can also be instrumental in feeling your best as you age.

If the symptoms of hormonal change are affecting your quality of life, it may be time for intervention. Restoring natural hormone levels can have a profound effect on your health and quality of life. At Elite Health Institute, we are here to help you with that. To learn more, contact us at (614) 334-4944.


Is it your Hormones_ copy
Do you experience symptoms that you just can’t seem to shake like feeling tired, fuzzy, low sex drive, weight gain and lack of motivation? Could it be your hormones? Take This Quiz and find out to find out if a hormonal imbalance could be causing your symptoms, influencing your emotions or having an impact on your health and your life.

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