Monthly Archives: November 2020

Why Winter is the Best Time to Get Laser Hair Removal in Columbus Ohio

laser hair removal winter weather

The leaves have fallen, the holiday season is here in Ohio, but you’re already daydreaming about short shorts and bikinis next summer.  As we head into a wintery wonderland, now is the perfect time to start your laser hair removal treatment. In contrast to methods such as shaving and waxing, laser hair removal is convenient, […]

WarmSculpting vs CoolSculpting

Even with diet and exercise, most people have stubborn pockets of fat that seem impossible to lose. SculpSure’s non-invasive fat reduction technology has been clinically proven to reduce the number of fat cells in the treated area in just 25 minutes. Other fat freezing technologies remove heat from the fat cells, freezing and crystalizing them, […]

Mind Your Plate! The Food-Mood Connection

by Milene Brownlow, PhD Nutritional psychiatry is a rapidly growing medical field studying the connection between the role food and diet quality plays in  how we feel.1 We intuitively understand the body-mind connection and how it affects our day-to-day. We get butterflies in our stomach when nervous, our heart races when we are excited, and our […]