Treatments for hormonal imbalance can include lifestyle changes and also hormone replacement. There are two types of hormone replacement therapies: bioidentical hormone therapy and synthetic hormones.
What’s the Difference Between Bioidentical Hormones and Synthetic Hormones?
Bioidentical hormones are hormones made of plant-based estrogens that are the same as the hormones our body naturally produces. The most common forms of synthetic hormones consist of mixtures of urine from pregnant mares. Both bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones are created in labs, but synthetic hormones are not identical to natural hormones. In contrast, bioidentical hormones match human hormones, molecule by molecule. While synthetic hormones can mimic the effects of the hormones your own body creates, they rarely offer the same effectiveness of bioidentical hormones.
It’s only natural that many women and men, when they learn how synthetic hormones are produced and the effects they might have on organs, including the brain, might turn to bioidentical hormones. It is not only safer, but it has been shown to be more effective than synthetic treatments. A significant number of research studies show that the number of side effects and other negative outcomes are less in bioidentical hormones compared to synthetic hormones.
By increasing or balancing hormone levels, bioidentical hormones can reduce or problematic symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause, for women, and low testosterone for men. Bioidentical hormones come in patches, pills, pellets, creams, gels, and injections. At Elite Health Institute we can help you choose the best form of hormones to relieve your symptoms.